Spa treatment - NFZ
Referral for spa treatment, which takes place in the framework of annual leave is issued by an insurance doctor who holds a contract with the NFZ branch or who is employed by a facility that has such a contract.
The company "Szczawnica Spa" S.A under the contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ) offers:
- Stationary treatment
- Outpatient treatment
At any time, you can use the referrals browser to check the status of your referral by clicking here
Referrals for spa treatment, which take place in the framework of annual leave is issued by an insurance doctor who holds a contract with the NFZ branch or who is employed by a facility that has such a contract.
Printed referrals for spa treatment are accessible at doctors offices and health centres. Referrals for the spa treatment should be sent to the appropriate NFZ branch by your doctor.
The location of the spa treatment is chosen by your doctor – balneology or medical rehabilitation specialists - on the basis of health data contained in the referral. Choosing a location of the spa treatment depends on the patient's condition, patients are appointed a spa centre with a suitable profile.
Only independent patients capable of obtaining medical treatments can be directed to specific spa centres.
In the case of a resignation from spa treatment by a patient whose treatment was organised by the NFZ, the patient should immediately contact the referral doctor. The consent to shorten the stay is granted only in cases of illness preventing from further treatment or other unforeseen circumstances (severe sudden illness or death of a loved one).
The Spa Provides:
- Accommodation.
- Board: breakfasts, lunches, dinners.
- Medical and nursing care.
- Three medical examinations during the entire stay.
- Not less than 3 physical treatments per day, for 6 days of treatments to be aimed at disease which was the main cause of the referral of the patient to the spas. This also depends on the doctors recommendations.
Including: - Essential stimulus treatment with the use of natural medicinal resources.
- Additional physiotherapy.
- Regular verification of balneological and pharmacological treatments etc. In accordance to the requirements set by the NFZ.
Rules of stay:
- The stay in a sanatorium begins at 2.00 pm on the day indicated on the referral and ends at 12.00 pm on the last day of the stay (in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health from 28.08.2009)
- In justified cases, the stay at the spa can start a day earlier and end one day later after payment of additional fees for room and board.
- No room reservations - the patients are allocated rooms on arrival. The spa does not guarantee accommodation for marriages in the same room, however, all efforts are put in to do so.
- Acquiring additional treatments by a person staying at the sanatorium funded by the National Health Fund requires a visit to the spa doctor. This is to verify that there are no medical obstacles with regards to the procedures already assigned.
Detailed information may also be obtained at the Customer Service centre:
+48 (18) 540 04 38
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